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Lever Type Expandable Rubber Plugs, Sizes 0.375" to 4", 143-1 Series


Pipe Plug, Lever Type Rubber, 143-1 Series

Lever Type Expandable Rubber Plugs Sizes: 3/8" to 4", 143-1 Series

Lever Type Expandable Rubber Plugs Sizes: 3/8" to 4", 143-1 Series

Lever Type Expandable Rubber Plugs

These plugs come standard with Neoprene rubber.

Extremely versatile and cost effective expansion plugs for many applications.

  • Brass lever type handle provides an excellent grip to fasten the plug into a hole
  • Plugs have a brass handle and zinc-plated steel hardware
  • Can be used to hang products or seal holes
  • Low cost
  • Light weight
  • Reusable rubber plugs for holes
  • Easily installed, no tools required

Mechanical Pipe Plugs Without Integral Restraint Generic Operating Instructions

Pipe Plug, Lever Type Rubber, 143-1 Series

Click an Item Number for More Information and to Order

    Image Pipe Size, Nominal Dia. Max Dia. Min By-Pass Shipping Wt. Item Number Price Qty Order or Compare
    4" (102mm) 4.378" (111mm) 3.94" (100mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1400-
    3-1/2" (89mm) 3.756" (95mm) 3.38" (86mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1350-
    3-1/4" (83mm) 3.533" (90mm) 3.18" (81mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1325-
    2-7/8" (73mm) 3.178" (81mm) 2.86" (73mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1288-
    2-5/8" (67mm) 2.811" (71mm) 2.53" (64mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1263-
    2-1/8" (54mm) 2.289" (58mm) 2.06" (52mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1213-
    1-7/8" (48mm) 1.944" (49mm) 1.75" (44mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1188-
    1-5/8" (41mm) 1.7" (43mm) 1.53" (39mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1163-
    1-1/4" (32mm) 1.322" (34mm) 1.19" (30mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1125-
    31/32" (24.6mm) 1.041" (26mm) 0.937" (23.8mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1097-
    15/16" (23.8mm) 1.007" (26mm) 0.906" (23.0mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1094-
    7/8" (22.2mm) 0.944" (23.9mm) 0.85" (21.5mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1088-
    13/16" (20.6mm) 0.868" (22.1mm) 0.781" (19.8mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1081-
    3/4" (19.1mm) 0.799" (20.2mm) 0.719" (18.2mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1075-
    11/16" (17.4mm) 0.729" (18.5mm) 0.656" (16.6mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1069-
    5/8" (15.8mm) 0.68" (17.2mm) 0.612" (15.5mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1063-
    9/16" (14.2mm) 0.611" (15.5mm) 0.55" (13.9mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1056-
    7/16" (11.1mm) 0.451" (11.4mm) 0.406" (10.3mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1044-
    3/8" (9.53mm) 0.417" (10.5mm) 0.375" (9.53mm) None 1 Lb (0.45 Kg) 143-1038-
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